Undergraduate Biology Welcomes Incoming Students

The 2024/2025 Academic year started on a high note on August 25, 2024, with the third annual Biology Welcome Event. This event, as part of KU’s Hawk Week, was held on Academic Sunday, and helped introduce incoming freshmen to their Biology Faculty, classrooms and labs spaces, and their fellow students by hosting a number of biology themed games and challenges.

Students were given a ‘Lab Notes’ booklet detailing instructions for the Scavenger Hunt based challenge and were sent to complete a number of stations where they could meet Faculty, Staff, Academic Advisors, and Graduate and Undergraduate Teaching Assistants. While participating the freshmen were able to learn about the three Study Abroad opportunities facilitated by Biology Faculty, visit the Haworth Greenhouse (and get a free plant propagation!), and . Each station gave out a stamp and the games promoted collaboration between students’ attendees. Two new stations were added this year, including Connections – based on the New York Times game, and the Greenhouse tour! There are now ten different biology themed stations for students to choose from, and those who obtained four stamps were rewarded with a KU Biology T-shirt!

The Biology Welcome Event was a huge success, with an immense turn out of well over 350 Freshman Biology students.
The Welcome Event was developed and organized by Undergraduate Biology Staff and Faculty Lauren Spain-Eddington, Lindsey Deaver, Melissa Meyers, Kennedy Chrisco, Melissa Meyers, Maria Losito, Bridgette Beck-Kells, Laura Maloney, they were assisted by 36 volunteers, and joined by 9 student organizations.
View all event photos on the KUbiology Facebook